
February 11, 2017

Photo from Pinterest

Tonight, I just want to write. I will not care about the grammar, the consistency of my tenses, or whatnots. I just want to write. Blogging has been my form of self-expression for almost 12 years now. Writing about my feelings put into words things I dare not say out loud.

Before I decided to write tonight, I tried taking a nap... to no avail. I feel tired (the bags under my eyes are proof!), yet I cannot sleep. It may be the coffee I drank this morning or the milk tea I had for dinner... or it may be the endless thoughts that have been plaguing my entire being for months now. Yep, must be those thoughts.

So tonight, I'm writing, hoping that putting these thoughts into words can give me some sort of relief. Or can give me an earlier sleeping time (lol). I'll take whichever.

With GOT7's discography as my background music, I'm feeling somehow better already. Oh, the power of my 7 boys. True healing-dols (healing idols) only! 

Anyway, I feel like I'm having my quarter-life crisis for months now. It's actually very timely as well, being 24 and (still) adjusting to the changes in my life I've brought upon myself. "Am I in the right path?" "Is this what I really want?" "What should be my next step?" "What do I actually want?" are just some of the questions I keep asking myself. 

....so I was in the middle of writing this when I read this article. Relevant and made me feel tons better. It answered those aforementioned questions as well. Amazing. Life works in magical ways. Thank You! :)

Now, I think I can sleep. To better days! And to more blog entries ;)

Good night. Sweetest dreams :)

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  1. Feeling ko I'm going through the same thing right now huhu stuck in life ��

    1. huhu we're in our mid twenties na kasi! did you read the article?? super relevant!
