About somekindofamazing

September 20, 2015

To be able to live a life full of passion, positivity and love is... some kind of amazing.

Leana Tiu is a 24 year old girl from Manila. She's been blogging since 2005 but only had the guts to open a public blog 11 years later. 

Learning foreign languages and immersing herself in history and culture (more specifically East/Southeast Asian) are the things she is passionate about. She also has "life coach" tendencies (blame it on the number of motivational books she's been reading!) and is your typical Korean anything fangirl.

A perfectionist and an overthinker, ironically, she often finds herself stuck in a rut. She aims to always create, be inspired and have that peaceful mind/heart...

...and she hopes that blogging about all the things that inspire her and make her happy can help her with that (and maybe can help YOU too!). 

{Thanks for dropping by my little happy home, by the way! I LOVE YOU.}

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