The Vision Board
March 27, 2016
I’m a goal-oriented person. As a kid, I would often picture my future self – may it be my future profession, home, family, etc. Growing older, I can say I have been exposed to books, audio books and documentaries related to being successful, achieving your dreams… basically living the life you want to live, more than the average person.
The Secret is the first documentary (related to this topic) that I have watched and one of the ideas mentioned there is to create a vision board. A vision board is well, a board, containing all the things your heart desires. Since The Secret is all about positive thinking and how what you often think about manifests itself in your lives, seeing your vision board reminds you to think about your goals, passion, dreams. Instead of dwelling on negative things, you should focus on what you want – that’s the main belief of The Secret.
Though I have always been a goal-oriented and optimistic person, I actually just made my vision board last weekend. Yes, I have a lot of goals and I have a vision of my future but until last year, I have not really done anything about these goals. 2015 was a turning point for me because that was when I actually started doing something for my goals, passions and dreams. A lot of factors contributed to this “turning point” (like the feeling of discontent and disappointment with myself), but one of the greatest factors is this:
Yes, GOT7. After learning how these 7 boys trained so hard to debut, to their neverending schedules, to their journey towards their first win, to how they are continuously improving themselves… you just can’t help but feel amazed. I mean it. GOT7 has been my inspiration for more than a year now (I’ve been following them since their debut!) and they never fail to make me want to go for my dreams as well. Whenever I feel demotivated and just out of it, thinking about GOT7′s will to continue working hard and how at such young ages they are doing something not only for their dreams but for their fans’ happiness pushes me to do the same – to pursue what I want and to try to inspire other people.
And this is why I will forever stan GOT7. If before I was just an ordinary Kpop fangirl, now I found that connection between my fangirl life and my normal life. What better way to connect these two than to have the things I fangirl about as my inspiration, right? :) I’m very thankful for GOT7. As an AhGaSe, I feel really grateful and lucky and just blessed to know these 7 amazing boys. #2YearswithGOT7
So yes, because of GOT7, I already started on some of my goals last year. I wanted to learn a foreign language so I enrolled in a Korean language class. I wanted to travel abroad with my family so I booked us airfare tickets to Taiwan. 2015 was like a single step towards my goals. I created progress in some of my goals, yes, but others remain untouched. 2016 will be a LEAP towards my goals. I WILL do greater, bigger things! Just like how Junior (my ultimate bias!!!) did great things for his actor dreams!! And for me, the first thing I should do to get a clearer grasp of what I want is to finally create my own vision board.

All you need is a white board, mounting tape, colored paper tapes, wooden pins, double-sided tape, whiteboard markers, photo paper, a reliable printer, and some images that inspire you! I divided my vision board into 4 parts, thus the 4 boxes: skills, home, travel and anything goes.

Home: Some inspiration for my future house – a cozy library and a peaceful backyard. Of course, these are the things that I want to have a couple of years from now. I’m still young, hehe.

Travel: Photos of Tokyo, Seoul and Hong Kong. The plan is to go to these foreign locations within the year.
I made this vision board last January and I'm happy to say that I have made progress with this goal! I went to Japan this month and I'll be going to South Korea next month! Exciting! I still need to plan my Hong Kong family trip. It's always good to look forward to something :)
Anything goes: Inspirational messages from all over the internet to keep me motivated!
Obviously, the vision board isn’t done yet. I still have to add more stuff related to my goals. Having this is really helpful, though. Seeing this first thing in the morning just makes you want to start your day right, stay motivated and get things done!
I will be blogging about my goals in detail for my upcoming entries as well.
It still amazes me how GOT7/Kpop/Korean anything inspired me to ACTUALLY do something about the dreams I have since I was a kid. This just proves the truth behind the description of my blog…
when you are inspired by something you love (Kpop) to do something with the other thing/s you love (blogging), that’s when you realize that life is indeed some kind of amazing.